Which stocks to buy and what will happen to the market in 2024?

Forecasts for 2024:

Global Economy: Expected slower growth, but not recession. Inflation: Declining, but will remain above the targets of many central banks. Interest rates: Growth will stabilize but will not return to pre-crisis levels. Stock market: Uncertainty, but potential for growth.

Stocks worth considering: Companies with sustainable business: Dividend aristocrats, IT companies, Companies focused on domestic demand — Food retail and Pharmaceuticals Companies, Green energy and Cybersecurity.

Diversify your portfolio.
Invest for the long term.
Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose.
Follow the news and analytics.

Predictions don’t always come true.
Always do your own research before purchasing a stock.
Don’t invest under the influence of emotions.

Additional resources:

https://www.forbes.ru/investicii/503199-kuda-investirovat-cto-kupit-na-fondovom-rynke-v-2024-godu https://bcs-express.ru/novosti-i-analitika/investitsii-2024-chto-kupit-i-za-kakimi-faktorami-sledit https://quote.rbc.ru/news/article/65815c829a7947fe15ca3d63


This information is not intended as investment advice. It is important to do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions


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